What is the difference between MARKETING and BRANDING?

I had a friend ask me recently about the difference between Marketing and Branding.  While related and intertwined in application, in definition they are very different. Branding is the process of creating a unique name and image for a company and/or product in the customers’ minds.  Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence […]

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The Brand that was Andy of Mayberry

In the past, I defined a BRAND as a memory — Everything you remember about a company, through interaction, what other people say about them, advertising, using their products or every other interaction is their brand for you. With the passing of Andy Griffith recently, I thought back to the Andy Griffith Show and sheriff […]

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Design Strategy 101

Recently I purchased my first high definition television. A salesperson at one of the stores I visited told how he had five HD TVs, and I’m just now considering my first one! I waited this long, so you can imagine I had thought through the process. I had to consider placement of the TV in […]

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Why bother with a logo?

I have experienced businesses that will spend thousands on magnificent office desks and furnishings yet use a logo that someone just threw together at the last moment for free. While comfort in the office space is important, a company’s logo is seen by many more people and is the representation of the company. I don’t […]

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Cowboy Branding

Recently I had the opportunity to attend a Dallas Cowboys football game at the new stadium. While the stadium itself is very impressive, I wanted to address the efforts of the Dallas Cowboys to brand themselves. One might think that if a person is at the stadium actually watching the game then branding is not […]

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What is Branding?

I recently read an article by Jonas Bergvall that I thought had some good points. Here are some of the highlights: There are countless definitions for this term; a promise, a rumour, a relationship, an image, a unique position and so forth. But these descriptions are all results of branding, not the brand itself. A […]

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Incredible talent

Our business is to be creative, so it naturally follows that we appreciate creativity. A friend shared this with me and I thought I would pass it along. It is the type of thing that even if you have seen it before, it is enjoyable to view again. Dan Stables

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Coffee Changes Lives

Recently we worked with a group to redesign the packaging and promotional materials for their coffee. The great thing about this coffee is that it has the power to change lives! Pretty strong stuff! The coffee is La Mai Coffee and they work with farmers in Thailand to grow coffee beans instead of poppies for […]

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Balancing Act – Print vs. Online

Like everyone else, I find the internet a great source of information and very convenient in many cases. But the many advantages of online don’t overshadow or eliminate the value of printed material. For example, I enjoy archery. Sometime back I was considering the purchase of a new compound bow. The internet was very valuable […]

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